More transparency and accountability

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The GEMINI Collective Foundation manages a separate employee benefits unit for every company, each with its own individual benefits, annual accounts and coverage ratio.

Collective foundations are, by definition, employee benefits institutions whose various employee benefits units each bear their own individual risk. As a rule, the collective foundation reports a separate coverage ratio for each employee benefits unit. Joint institutions, on the other hand, bear the risk collectively, and there is only one single coverage ratio. 

With the GEMINI Collective Foundation operating as a fully-fledged collective foundation since its establishment in 1977, transparency plays a much bigger role at our foundation than at joint institutions. And GEMINI goes even further: each affiliated company is provided with annual accounts complying with Swiss GAAP FER 26, including their own balance sheet, income statement and notes. This allows our clients to conduct a thorough assessment of their overall pension solution. 

Maximum accountability 

GEMINI prepares the annual accounts for the attention of the pension fund committee. As well as information on the affiliations’ individual coverage ratio, the annual accounts also provide a wealth of other important information, both for the year under review and the previous year, including the level of savings capital, the interest rate, the fluctuation reserves and the number of members. Clients receive a detailed statement of returns for their selected investment pool. Those who have opted for individual investments receive a detailed investment report from our global custodian, UBS.  

Last but not least, GEMINI also offers the option of maintaining and managing pensioners in a separate employee benefits unit. Companies which chose this option receive an additional short ABS (actuarial balance sheet) from our pension fund expert.  

We believe that this ensures maximum accountability. We want our clients to enjoy the advantages of a company-owned foundation, with none of the solidarity and unlimited liability issues that a foundation board incurs. With GEMINI, it is the affiliation’s pension fund committee that decides on the interest rate on savings capitals or the plan design, etc. GEMINI reviews all decisions of the pension fund committee to ensure that they are in accordance with the law. The result is transparent solutions that allow everybody to sleep easy.  

Successful market presence since 1977

Find out more about the GEMINI Collective Foundation, its organisation and the members of its bodies.